Use existing infrastructure for longer

Mobile analytics for historical steels


With our new development, which we developed together with THM Gießen and with the support of DB-Netz AG, we offer an alternative way to test used steel types and their properties quickly and in a non-destructive manner.


The process combines the mobile and non-destructive measurement of the chemical composition of the steel with an algorithm developed by us to reliably determine the steel type. There are secured minimum values ​​for these types of steel that can be used for recalculation (e.g. Bahn RiL 805). The method for steel grade classification is based on a combination of expert knowledge, test results and the application of AI.


The advantage is clear. With this method these measurements can:

  • early (in terms of planning),
  • extensive (in terms of the number of components) and
  • can be carried out very quickly and cost-effectively
  • and are available in digital form, for example for BIM.

Funken-Emissions-Spektroskopie (kurz: OES)
Messung am Nietkopf
OES Messpunkte

Spark emission spectroscopy (OES) / measurement on the rivet head / OES measuring points

More about scrap steel


Mobile measurement of the chemical composition directly on the component