Solutions Engineering by IWT Solutions AG

We develop sustainable solutions in a steel context

Solution Engineering offers development and design of solution-oriented services using selected engineering approaches, models and methods.

Fracture Mechanics


Cracks and other imperfections compromise component safety. With the help of fracture mechanics calculations, we can determine statements about the further service life of a component and find solutions for its safety at short notice.


> Component safety
> Component lifetime
> Parameter Determination
> Component Testing

Material characterisation


We prepare damage analyses in accordance with VDI guideline 3822 combined with our own experise. Our core competencies are materials engineering, fracture mechanics and component safety. Customers benefit from our network of universities, institutional research institutes and personal contacts to specialists in the steel industry.


> Component Damage
> Material damage
> Fire Damage Assessment

Damage Analysis


We are experts in the field of modern steel, old steel, steel casting and iron casting and welding. With the aim of making the best possible choice of materials for our customers, we are constantly involved in standardization and research projects and maintain a network with manufacturers, universities, research institutes and associations.


> Material Testing

> Micro Analytics

> Special Examination

Research & Development

We are involved in industry-related research and development, as well as standardisation of steel, cast iron and cast steel products. The focus is on component safety and simulation of material properties. We initiate R&D projects and participate in public research.


> Joint Industry Projects
> Normung
> Forschung und Lehre