Currently, in order to achieve the climate goals and for more sustainability, the reuse of already used steel for new buildings is being discussed at the European level under the keyword re-use instead of scrapping. A first draft standard (prEN 1090-x:2022, 2022. “Execution of steel structures and aluminum structures – Steel structures – Part X: Reuse of structural steel”) is currently being developed*1 ).
In order for such components to be reinstalled with external integrity intact, they must be requalified and meet the safety requirements according to EN 1993 and EN 1991.
From the perspective of IWT-Solutions AG, the new OES method is very suitable for this. Accordingly, we are continuing to advance the development of optimized use of the new OES method. The integration of the above-mentioned method into the normative environment of the Eurocode plays an important role. Here, too, we are actively involved in the relevant standardization committee. The aim is to reduce the amount of destructive testing and the associated time delays as much as possible.